Number of Ex Employees | 177 | |
Number with eMail Addresses | 105 | 59 % |
Number with current Company name | 43 | 24 % |
Number with a Picture | 100 | 56 % |
Adam Jones | Agnes Lawson | Alan Calderley | Alan Moreton | Alan Phillips |
Alex Hayward | Andrew Broome | Andrew Broughton e-mail2 | Andrew Bullman | Andrew DeCleyn |
Andrew Found | Andrew Kemplay | Andrew Ski | Andrew Wedmore Riverhall | Andy Doran |
Andy Hall | Andy Hetherington | Andy Newsham | Angela Sandy | Annabel Summers |
Anne Greenfield | Annie Chan | Barrie Jones | Barry Fletcher | Ben Ives |
Ben McGuigan e-mail2 | Ben Surgison e-mail2 | Beverley Cooper e-mail2 | Bhavesh Bavisi | Carol Pavelin |
Caroline Eldred e-mail2 | Cathy Powell | Charlotte Narramorre Lloyds TSB | Chris Ager Compaq | Chris Jesson DST International |
Cindy Rees e-mail2 | Claire Warren(nee Donaldson) | Clare Pridmore | Cliff Mills Deutsche Bank | Colin Owen |
Connie Battista | Dave Amenu | David Birch | David Iversen CrestCo e-mail2 | David Lau Iteba |
David Rogers Nat West e-mail2 | David Sly | David Warner | Dawn Burke LBT Technical Services Inc | Dawn Collins |
Declan Daly | Dee Khan | Deepak Gupta | Douglas Gardner | Elizabeth Williams |
Geoff Payne Rabobank | Ginette Runyard | Glyn Walmsley HP | Graeme Mackay Compaq | Graham Rogers HP |
Graham Sparling DAI | Greg Cartwright | Greg McPartlin Compaq e-mail2 | Greg Swedosh | Gurmit Chohan ING Bank e-mail2 |
Hamish McPartlin Compaq | Hayley Tyson CrestCo | Hazel Hall | Helen Lansdell | Ian Crowe |
Ian Horrocks Compaq | Ian Risk | Izzy Edwards | Jane Chappell | Jeff Shotton |
Jennifer Kane | Jenny Hutchings | Jim Stuart | Jo Jones | Jo Marchant |
Joanne Mas | John Bolton | John Hart | John Teal | John Williams Compaq |
John Woodhead | Jon Simms e-mail2 | Katherine Hammell | Keith Charters | Keith Robinson |
Keith Ryder | Keith Stevens Compaq | Kerry Chessell | Kevin McKenna | Kevin Thomas |
Leo Moore Inish | Leon | Linda Taylor | Lindsey Hird | Liz Williams |
Malcolm McKen e-mail2 | Manus Finnerty Compaq | Marion Kissyov | Mark Beecroft | Mark Daly Bea |
Mark Nevins e-mail2 | Martin Chapman e-mail2 | Martin Dell e-mail2 | Martin Fox | Martin Ibbotson |
Martin Palmer | Martin Rayner | Martyn Thomas | Mary Pitt | Matt Allen |
Matt Bradford Compaq | Maxine Whitfield | Mervyn Evans Compaq | Mike Crockett | Mike Smith |
Mike Wainwright SoftSell | Neil Barnard | Neil Bobbin | Neil Godbold | Neil Rapley CrestCo |
Nick Cave | Nick Lewis | Nicola Crompton | Nigel Clark | Paul Firby Singlepoint e-mail2 |
Paul Gunstone | Paul McLean-Thorne Sapient | Paul Phillips | Paul Rothery Automatic Data Processing Inc. | Penny Neill RDL Group |
Peter Hiscox | Peter Matthews Compaq | Peter Mock | Phil Bretherton | Phil Emberson RouteCo |
Pierre-Jean Champault e-mail2 | Raj Gogna | Ramesh Kumar | Richard Buxton | Richard Jarvis |
Richard Webb Compaq | Rob Davies | Rob Payton | Rob Walker SoftSell | Robert Tubb |
Robin Hair e-mail2 | Ronan McCourt | Ross Duer BN Paribas e-mail2 | Rowena Ironside | Sam Jacobs Gresham Bell |
Sarah Landon | Sean Kearney CrestCo | Sean Will | Shella Alam | Simon Fletcher Compaq |
Stefanie Marchant | Stephen Wood | Steve McLean | Steve Simmonds NonStopSupport Ltd | Steven Martindale |
Surjit Matharu | Tim Fosh | Tim Hughes | Tim Threlfall | Tom Connell |
Trupti Joshi | Umesh Patel | Unesh Maisuria | Vince Cooper | Vive Alp Daiwa Securities e-mail2 |
Wilson To e-mail2 | Zoe Reed Compaq |